Multivariable Calculus (MIT OCW)

Posted on April 21, 2024


week 1

  • Part A: Vectors, Determinants, Planes
  • Part B: Matrices and Systems of Equations
  • Part C: Parametric Equations for Curves

week 2

  • Part A: Functions of Two Variables, Tangent Approximation and Optimization
  • Part B: Chain Rule, Gradient and Directional Derivatives
  • Part C: Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Differentials

week 3

  • Part A: Double Integrals
  • Part B: Vector Fields and Line Integrals
  • Part C: Green’s Theorem

week 4

  • Part A: Triple Integrals
  • Part B: Flux and the Divergence Theorem
  • Part C: Line Integrals and Stokes’ Theorem

Vectors and Matrices

Part A: Vectors, Determinants, Planes

  • vector: has direction and magnitude/length
    • represented using coordinate system

a1 + a2 + a3 =  < a1, a2, a3> $$|\vec{A}| = \sqrt{a_1 + a_2 + a_3}$$

A⃗ ⋅ B⃗ = ∑aibi = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3

geometrically A⃗ ⋅ B⃗ = |A⃗||B⃗|cosθ

  • law of cosines: if C⃗ = A⃗ − B⃗, then define

|C⃗| = |A⃗|2 + |B⃗|2 − 2|A⃗||B⃗|cosθ

we know |C⃗|2 = C⃗ ⋅ C⃗ = (A⃗ − B⃗) ⋅ (A⃗ − B⃗) = |A⃗|2 + |B⃗|2 − 2A⃗ ⋅ B⃗

then we get: 2|A⃗||B⃗|cosθ = 2A⃗ ⋅ B⃗

  • the dot product can be used for
    • computing lengths and angles
    • detect orthogonality
      • A⃗ ⋅ B⃗ = 0 means they are perpendicular to each other, cosθ, θ = 0deg, 90deg
    • vector components
  1. vector components

    • find a component A⃗ along direction u⃗, where u⃗ is a unit vector: |A⃗cosθ|
      • orthogonal projection of A on u⃗, leg parallel to u⃗: |A|cosθ or $$\frac{\vec{A} \vec{u}}{|\vec{u}|}$$
    • component (length) of a vector is scalar
  2. area and determinants in 2D

    determinant of A⃗, B⃗ is +/- area of a parallelogram, |A⃗||B⃗|sinθ = det(A⃗, B⃗)

    area of triangle: $$\frac{1}{2} det(\vec{A}, \vec{B})$$

  3. volumes and determinants in space

    • det(A⃗, B⃗, C⃗) = +/- volume of parallelepiped
    • Aij = (−1)i + j|Aij|
  4. cross products

    • 2 vectors in 3D space => vector

    $$\vec{A} \times \vec{B} = \begin{vmatrix} \vec{i} & \vec{j} & \vec{k}\\ a_1 & a_2 & a_3\\ b_1 & b_2 & b_3\\ \end{vmatrix}$$

    • theorem:
      • the length of the cross product of A⃗ and B⃗, is the area of the parallelogram
      • the direction of the cross product of A⃗ and B⃗ is perpendicular to the plane of the parallelogram
        • direction is based on the right-hand rule
    • volume of parallelepiped:
      • area(base) times height
      • |B⃗ × C⃗| × (A⃗ ⋅ n⃗)
        • where n⃗ is the vector perpendicular to $$\frac{\vec{B} \times \vec{C}}{|\vec{B} \times \vec{C}|}$$
    • rules of cross products
      • B⃗ × C⃗ ≠ C⃗ × B⃗, B⃗ × C⃗ = −C⃗ × B⃗
      • B⃗ × B⃗ = 0
  5. equations of planes

    • application of cross product: 3 points in space, equation of plane P1, P2, P3, is point P on that plane?
      • consider vectors P1, P, P1, P2, P1, P3: is the parallelogram completely flat?
        • is det(P1P, P1P2, P1P3) = 0
      • P is in the plane, only when $$\vec{P_1 P}$$ is perpendicular N⃗, where N⃗ is a cross product
        • $$\vec{P_1 P} \cdot (\vec{P_1 P_2} \times \vec{P_1 P_3}) = 0$$

Part B: Matrices and Systems of Equations

  1. matrix multiplication

    • often have linear relations
    • entries in matrix product AX
      • dot products between rows of A and columns of X
    • product AB represents doing transformation B then transformation A
    • identity matrix: do nothing
  2. matrix inverse

    • if we have function of u in terms of x, can use matrix inverse to express function of x in terms of u

    • if A is the inverse of M: AM = I, MA = I

      • M = A−1
    • if AX = B

    • A−1(AX) = A−1B

    • X = A−1B

    • invert matrix by hand:

      • $$A^{-1} = \frac{1}{det(A)}adj(A)$$
  3. equations of planes ii

    ax + by + cz = d

    • find plane perpendicular to a vector
      • point P is in the plane, whenever $$\vec{OP} \cdot \vec{N} = 0$$
      • if plane goes through origin
      •  < a, b, c>, is the normal vector for the plane
    • plane in point-normal form:
      • need point P0 and vector N orthogonal to plane, we can also say N is normal to the plane
        • since the vector $$\vec{P_0 P}$$ is in the plane, we can say $$N \cdot \vec{P_0 P} = 0$$
    1. distance to plane/line

      1. point to plane: need a point P, plane with normal N⃗ and containing point Q $$\text{distance} = |PR| = |\vec{PQ}| \text{cos} \theta = |\vec{PQ} \cdot \frac{N}{|N|}|$$
      2. point to line: point P, line with direction vector v and containing point Q $$d = |QP| \text{sin} \theta = |\vec{QP} \cdot \frac{v}{|v|}|$$
      3. distance between parallel planes
        • reduce the problem to distance from point to plane
      4. distance between skew lines
        • place lines in parallel planes and find distance between planes
        • find normal M = v1 × v2
  4. linear systems and planes

    • 3 planes intersect => two planes intersect and form a line => find the line that intersects in the third plane
    • if set of solutions to 3by3 linear system is not a single point => no solution, line or plane
      • 3rd plane might be parallel to the line where the first two planes intersect
        • if line contained in third plane: infinite solution
        • if line is parallel to third plane and not contained, then there are no solutions
  5. solutions to square systems

    • can’t always find the inverse of the matrix; when the determinant is 0
    • homogenous system: right hand side is 0
      • origin is always a solution
        • if det(A) is not 0: can solve the system using inverse of A
        • if det(A) = 0: det(vecN1, vecN2, vecN3) = 0 then vecN1, vecN2, vecN3 are coplanar (in the same plane)
          • infinite many solutions
    • general case:
      • if det(A) is not zero: X = A−1B
      • if det(A) is zero, either no solution or infinitely many solutions

Part C: Parametric Equations for Curves

  1. Session 15: Equations of Lines

    • intersection of 2 planes
    • trajectory of moving point
    • paramatric form: point moving in space traces out path over time => position of point and time
    • parametric form: equation of line that passes through the point P and is parallel to the vector v⃗ r⃗ = r⃗0 + tv⃗ =  < x0 + tv1, y0 + tv2, z0 + tv3>, where r⃗0 is the vector using the point P
      • then you break the vector into equations
    • parametric form: intersection of two planes
    • parametric form: line through two points
  2. Session 16: Intersection of a Line and a Plane

    • two points vs. a line
      • substitute the point, and see if value is larger than the sum of the unknowns => tells you which side the points are on
    • if line is in the plane, than plugging (x(t), y(t), z(t)), we always get the value for the plane
    • if the line is parallel to the plane, then never get that value, get another constant
  3. Session 17: General Parametric Equations; the Cycloid

    • parametric curves:
  4. Session 18: Point (Cusp) on Cycloid

  5. Session 19: Velocity and Acceleration

  6. Session 20: Velocity and Arc Length

  7. Session 21: Kepler’s Second Law

Partial Derivatives

Part A: Functions of Two Variables, Tangent Approximation and Optimization

  1. Session 24: Functions of Two Variables: Graphs

  2. Session 25: Level Curves and Contour Plots

  3. Session 26: Partial Derivatives

  4. Session 27: Approximation Formula

  5. Session 28: Optimization Problems

  6. Session 29: Least Squares

  7. Session 30: Second Derivative Test

  8. Session 31: Example

Part B: Chain Rule, Gradient and Directional Derivatives

  1. Session 32: Total Differentials and the Chain Rule

  2. Session 33: Examples

  3. Session 34: The Chain Rule with More Variables

  4. Session 35: Gradient: Definition, Perpendicular to Level Curves

  5. Session 36: Proof

  6. Session 37: Example

  7. Session 38: Directional Derivatives

Part C: Lagrange Multipliers and Constrained Differentials

  1. Session 39: Statement of Lagrange Multipliers and Example

  2. Session 40: Proof of Lagrange Multipliers

  3. Session 41: Advanced Example

  4. Session 42: Constrained Differentials

  5. Session 43: Clearer Notation

  6. Session 44: Example

Double Integrals and Line Integrals in the Plane

Part A: Double Integrals

  1. Session 47: Definition of Double Integration

  2. Session 48: Examples of Double Integration

  3. Session 49: Exchanging the Order of Integration

  4. Session 50: Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates

  5. Session 51: Applications: Mass and Average Value

  6. Session 52: Applications: Moment of Inertia

  7. Session 53: Change of Variables

  8. Session 54: Example: Polar Coordinates

  9. Session 55: Example

Part B: Vector Fields and Line Integrals

  1. Session 56: Vector Fields

  2. Session 57: Work and Line Integrals

  3. Session 58: Geometric Approach

  4. Session 59: Example: Line Integrals for Work

  5. Session 60: Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals

  6. Session 61: Conservative Fields, Path Independence, Exact Differentials

  7. Session 62: Gradient Fields

  8. Session 63: Potential Functions

  9. Session 64: Curl

Part C: Green’s Theorem

  1. Session 65: Green’s Theorem

  2. Session 66: Curl(F) = 0 Implies Conservative

  3. Session 67: Proof of Green’s Theorem

  4. Session 68: Planimeter: Green’s Theorem and Area

  5. Session 69: Flux in 2D

  6. Session 70: Normal Form of Green’s Theorem

  7. Session 71: Extended Green’s Theorem: Boundaries with Multiple Pieces

  8. Session 72: Simply Connected Regions and Conservative

Triple Integrals and Surface Integrals in 3-Space

Part A: Triple Integrals

  1. Session 74: Triple Integrals: Rectangular and Cylindrical Coordinates

  2. Session 75: Applications and Examples

  3. Session 76: Spherical Coordinates

  4. Session 77: Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates

  5. Session 78: Applications: Gravitational Attraction

Part B: Flux and the Divergence Theorem

  1. Session 79: Vector Fields in Space

  2. Session 80: Flux Through a Surface

  3. Session 81: Calculating Flux; Finding ndS

  4. Session 82: ndS for a Surface z = f(x, y)

  5. Session 83: Other Ways to Find ndS

  6. Session 84: Divergence Theorem

  7. Session 85: Physical Meaning of Flux; Del Notation

  8. Session 86: Proof of the Divergence Theorem

  9. Session 87: Diffusion Equation

Part C: Line Integrals and Stokes’ Theorem

  1. Session 88: Line Integrals in Space

  2. Session 89: Gradient Fields and Potential Functions

  3. Session 90: Curl in 3D

  4. Session 91: Stokes’ Theorem

  5. Session 92: Proof of Stokes’ Theorem

  6. Session 93: Example

  7. Session 94: Simply Connected Regions; Topology

  8. Session 95: Stokes’ Theorem and Surface Independence

  9. Session 96: Summary of Multiple Integration