CHEM 211: Introduction to Chemical Analysis

Posted on January 8, 2024

2: Equilibrium and Volumetric Analysis

  1. Recognize compounds that participate in equilibrium reactions or otherwise have an effect on those reactions (e.g., acids, bases, ions that form insoluble or sparingly salts, ligands).
  2. Define the following terms mathematically and in your own words: Ka, Kb, Kw, Ksp, Kf, Kd.
    • $$K_b = \frac{[BH^+][OH^-]}{[B]}$$
    • $$K_a = \frac{[A^-][H_3O^+]}{[HA]}$$
    • Kw = KaKb
    • Ksp = [A+]a[B]b, solid dissolving into ions
    • Kf: formation, ions forming into another ion
  3. Write mass balance, charge balance and solubility expressions for an equilibrium problem.
    • systematic treatment of equilibrium
      • as many equations as unknowns
      • chemical equilibrium constant expressions
      • charge balance charge on cation1[cation1] + charge on cation2[cation2] = charge on anion1[anion1] + charge on anion2[anion2], include every single ion
    • formal: moles of original chemical formula in solution, without regard for species that already exist
    • how to use:
      • mass balance: if you’re looking for a species, check if you set up a mass balance for it, or if you need to sub an unknown
      • charge balance: not sure
      • chem eq: to sub in an unknown
  4. Relate physical constants (Ka, Kb, Ksp, Kf) to trends in the shape of titration curves and distribution diagrams.
  5. Select an appropriate method of endpoint detection and/or indicator (from a limited group of options) for a given analysis and justify your choice.
    • equiv points:
      • strong acids: 7
      • weak acids: pH = pKa at half-equiv point
      • endpoints for polyprotic species:
        • if $$\frac{K_{a,1}}{K_{a,2}}$$ larger than or equal 104, 1st endpoint will be clear (endpoint can disappear into the other)
        • if pKa, 2 less than or equal 8, 2nd endpoint will be clear (if larger than 8, then Ka2 too weak)
        • triprotic: third endpoint around 12.7, too small, can’t see
    • selecting indicators: pKa of indicator that is close to expected pH at equivalance point
      • for weak acid pKa is only half-equiv, so need an indicator that has much higher pKa
    • how to ensure we see the change of color in indicator?
      • strong acid: eq point occurs at 7, very steep, the steep portion is almost vertical
      • weak acid: Pka of indicator much larger than Pka of weak acid, or indicator changes color too early because not as steep (?), since eq point occurs after pH 7
      • weak base: eq point occurs before 7
  6. Write the equilibrium expression(s) for a complexation titration
    • Mm+ + Ln < − > MLm − n
      • $$K_f = \frac{ML^{m-n}}{[M^{m+}][L^{n-}]}$$
  7. Qualitatively predict the consequences of disturbing a system at equilibrium (e.g., adjustment of pH, changes in concentration, or the addition of new species).
    • pH on solubility: using Le Chatelier
      • pH increases: adding hydroxide to equation
      • pH decreases: adding hydronium to equation
    • complexing agent: increases solubility
  8. Identify relevant equations and make appropriate assumptions to quantitatively analyze an equilibrium system.

misc. info from lectures

  • activity
    • weak acid and weak base
  • polyprotic acid
    • formulas:
      • $$[H^+] = \sqrt{\frac{K_{a2}[HA^-] + K_w}{1 + \frac{[HA^-]}{K_{a1}}}}$$
      • $$[H^+] = \sqrt{K_{a2}K_{a1}}$$
      • pH = 1/2(pKa1 + pKa2) this is also how you get isoelectric point
      • amphiprotic substance
  • Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation: $$pH = pK_a + log \frac{[A^-]}{[HA]}$$
  • diprotic acid with strong base (how to calculate pH throughout the titration process): (REVIEW)
    • buffer region: H-H equation
    • compare $Ka$s
  • buffers
    • effective range: pKa + −1
  • gravimetric methods
    • obtain analyte by precipitating it
  • precipitation titration
    • titrant: AgNO3
    • argentometric titrations:
      • free [Ag+] decreases with small value of Ksp
        • small Ksp means bigger number in demoninator (more ppt), pAg is larger
      • for titrating: anything that is insoluble when reacted with silver
        • endpoint: can be measuring removed or excess fluorescein:
          • titration of halides
          • before eq point: colloidal AgX is neg
          • after eq point: colloidal AgX is pos
          • it depends on the ratio between Ag+ and X which determines its charge
          • titration graph: after eq point, all indicators converge to the same behaviour
          • “colloid is a mixture in which one substance consisting of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance”
  • EDTA titration
    • how to deal with EDTA titrations at other pH:
      • $$\alpha_6 = \frac{[Y^{4-}]}{C_{EDTA}}$$
      • from Mn+ + Y4− ⇔ MY(n − 4)+, we get $$K_f = \frac{[MY^{(n-4)+}]}{[M^{n+}] \alpha_6 c_{EDTA}}$$
    • complexing agent: EDTA at basic pH
    • for titrating: metal
    • pH dependence: as pH increases, amount of unbound metal decreases
      • auxiliary complexing agent: ammonia to complex cations and maintain solubility at basic pH
        • ACA needs larger binding constant than EDTA but smaller formation constant
        • why need basic pH? because many metals precipitate as hydroxoides if pH is too high
        • concentration of Y−4 is the most at basic pH (it is pH dependent)
          • to use a lower pH: need α6, defines mole fraction of Y−4 at given pH
            • rewrite MY formation to use α6cEDTA = [Y−4]
              • this gives a conditional formation constant: Kf(pH) = α6Kf
          • too much ACA decreases sharpness of endpoint M2+ + 4NH3 ⇔ Zn(NH3)42+ Zn(NH3)42+ + Y4− ⇔ ZnY2− + 4NH3
  • indicators for EDTA:
    • Eriochrome Black T: only works on some metals, can use backtitration to use with other metals
      • orange to red/violet
  • complex titrations
    • add masking agents to hide certain metals, needs to have stronger Kf than EDTA
    • demasking agent: another metal that binds with masking agent
    • auxillary complexing agent: keep metal in solution
  • indirect titration
    • if titration is slow
    • no suitible indicator
    • no useful direct titration reaction
      • you can add A + B, with B in known excess
        • measure leftover B with C
    • applications: volhard titration
      • titrant: SCN
      • determine: Ag+
      • find out how much halide
      • indicator: Fe+3
      • need to ensure KfAgSCN > KfFeSCN
      • back titration for halide determination
        • titrate with halide solution with excess Ag
          • when all the Cl has been bound, you have Ag in excess
          • start titrating the excess Ag with Fe. You add SCN until the solution turns red -> endpoint
        • SCN^- turns red at first instance of excess SCN^- by reacting with iron
      • displacement titrations
        • want to analyse a metal with EDTA, but if the matrix is unknown, other metals may bind to EDTA that is not the metal of interest
        • instead, react Ca2+ with MgY+; Ca2+ has higher Kf will displace Mg2+
          • titrate the freed Mg2+ in solution ? we titrate the excess Mg with EDTA?

mt1 problems

unit 2

  • solubility equilibria: will precipiate form? check if Q > Ksp using the equation [M+][X]
  • solubility equilibria: with x mL 0.y M of MY added to x mL of 0.j M NaI, how much ppt forms and what is the final concentration
    1. set up reaction equations: MI ⇔ M+ + I MY + NaI ← MI + NaY
    2. set up Ksp = [M+][I], find [I]
      • assume [M+] = 0 at eq, so to find [I], you subtract concentration of M from total concentration of I, then solve for M
  • complexation equilibria: what is the concentration of M2+ when x.0 mL of 0.00y M MCl2 is added to z.0 mL of 0.00j M of EDTA at pH 13.0
    1. set up ice table with starting concentrations, and Kf expression
    2. mass balance with known concentrations
    3. assume because of large Kf, [M2+] = 0
  • solubility equilibria: solubility of CoCO3 in buffered solution of pH 4.0
    1. set up equations for Ksp, Ka1, Ka2
    2. set up mass balance, one for the [Co2+] = ... and [CO32−] = ... and one for the acids
    3. using known values, substitute and solve for [Co2+]2
  • solubility equilibria: solubility of MCl in 0.0x M of NaCN
    1. given Ksp and Kf, write two equations for each one
    2. set up mass balance for [M+] and [CN]
    3. list assumptions:
      • since Kf is large, there is not much free M+
      • MCl will dissolve until all CN used up: [M(CN)2] >  > [CN]
        • [CN]i = 2[M(CN)2] = 0.0x M
        • [Ag+]i = [Cl]i = [M(CN)2]
  • XCl is dissolved in a solution of 0.x M ACl, where ACl is soluble and XCl is not very soluble. Given Ksp = [X+][Cl]
    1. find equations: ACl ⇔ A+ + Cl
    2. set up mass balance: 0.x M = [A+] = [Cl]total − [Cl]XCl = [Cl]total − [X+]
      • because [Cl]XCl = [X]
    3. set up charge balance (include all ions): 1[Na+] + 1[X+] = 1[Cl]
    4. check number of unknowns is equal to number of equations
    5. replace unknowns with known and solve for [X]
  • finding the isoelectric point of an amino acid: $$\frac{1}{2} (pK_{a1} + pK_{a2})$$
  • titration of M+ with EDTA at a pH of y, in presence of complexing agent
    • solubility of MXs in presence of a complexing agent such as NH4Cl
  • indirect titration of A with excess and known B and X: BX binds, then with addition of A, released B is amount of A
    • A has higher Kf then B
  • EDTA titration at pH lower than 10: what is the concentration of M2+ when x.0 mL of 0.00y0 MCl2 is added to z.0 mL of 0.0j M EDTA solution buffered at pH k?
    1. set up Kf expression: $$K_f = \frac{[CaY^{2-}]}{[M^{+2}][Y^{4-}]}$$
    2. set up mass balance: $$[EDTA] = \frac{z \times 0.0j \text{ M}}{x + z}$$ $$[MY^{2-}] = \frac{x \times 0.0y \text{ M}}{x + z}$$ assuming all the EDTA forms complex with the metal.
    3. sub in alpha: [Y4−] = α6[EDTA]free [EDTA]free = [EDTA] − [MY2−]
    4. sub in known values into the Kf expression to find the concentration of M2+ $$[M^{2+}] = \frac{K_f \alpha_6 [EDTA]_{free}}{[MY^{2-}]}$$
  • argentometric titration before eq point: x mL of 0.0y M XCl was titrated with 0.z M of AgNO3
    • find pCl at 10 mL of AgNO3:
      1. calculate how much Ag+ has been added; this is how much Cl has formed ppt with silver
      2. subtract Cl that has formed complex with Ag+ from initial amount of chlorine
      3. pCl = log[Cl]
  • argentometric titration at eq: use Ksp
  • argentometric titration after eq: calculate excess Ag+, then sub into Ksp expression and solve for [Cl]