CPSC 210: Software Construction

Posted on May 31, 2020

Course Format

The course is more of the traditional lecture format, vs CPSC 110 and CPSC 121. For the most part, you still have to watch pre-videos before class and answer pre-class questions, but during lecture you just sit and listen. There are also weekly labs, which I think are much simpler than the labs for CPSC 110.

This is the first computer science course that has a large project associated with it. The project requirements aren’t that hard, but anything becomes hard if you don’t have enough time to do it, so I recommend that you start working on the project very early.

Importance of Course

This course is all about Java, OOP, and design patterns. While UBC makes you take this course before co-op, I don’t think many of the concepts are used in industry anymore. To be honest, I think this is the “least useful” course of my computer science degree thus far.

My Thoughts

This is the easiest computer science course I’ve ever taken. In terms of studying, I liked drawing out relationships between classes, objects, and methods to understand what was going on. I’ve also TAed for this course twice, so hit me up if you are in this course and need help.