CPSC 322: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Posted on September 6, 2023

Day 1

  • What is AI:

    • Machine think like human
    • Machine think rationally
  • Thinking and acting like humans

  • Model cognitive functions of humans

    • Humans only example of intelligence
  • Turing test: use operational definition => consider intelligent when can’t tell between computer or human

  • Downside:

    • don’t have detailed model of people’s mind yet
    • trickey/lying involved
  • Thinking and acting rationally

    • Rationally: abstract ideal of intelligence
    • Syllogism: argument structures that always yield correct conclusions given correct premises => logic + probabilistic reasoning
    • Correct reasoning is enough?
    • AI as building agents: artifacts that are able to think and act rationally in their environments
      • Rationality more cleanly defined than humans
      • Agents can: answer query, plan actions, solve complex problems
  • What is an agent (does not need all)

    • Situated in an environment
    • Make observations
    • Able to act
    • Has goals or preferences
    • Prior knowledge or beliefs, way to update beliefs based on new experiences

Day 2

What do we need to represent

  • Environment/world
    • states/possible worlds
  • how the world works => rules
    • Constraints
    • Casual relationships
    • Action preconditions and effects

Corresponding reasoning tasks and problems

  • Constraint satisfaction (static): find a state that satisfies some set of constraints
  • Answering queries (static)
    • Is a given proposition true/likely given what is known
  • Planning (sequential): choose actions to reach goal state or maximize utility

Representation And reasoning system

  • Sensing uncertainty => can agent fully observe current state of world or is there uncertainty in what we observe
  • Effect uncertainty => does agent know for sure what the immediate effects of its action are on the environment (and/or on its status within the environment)
  • Deterministic => no uncertainty , yes to both above points
  • Otherwise stochastic
  • Chess vs poker
    • Chess is deterministic, poker is stochastic

Deterministic vs. stochastic domains

  • AI used to be: logic vs probability

Explicit states, features, propositions, relations

  • Explicitly enumerate states of the world
  • State can be described using its features
    • natural
  • States can be described in terms of objects and relationships
    • feature/proposition for each relationship on each possible tuple of individuals
  • One binary relation Like(x,y) and 9 individuals => 2^81
    • 9 => x, 9 => y

Flat vs. hierarchical

  • One level of abstraction => flat
  • Multiple levels of abstraction => hierarchical

Knowledge given vs knowledge learned

  • Agent is provided with model of the world once and for all
  • Agent can learn about world

Set of valid states vs set of possible states => header to get valid states

Features => propositions we can generate

Goals vs complex preferences

  • State the agent wants to be in
  • Proposition agent wants to make true
  • Agent may have preferences
    • There is some preference/utility function that describes how happy the again is in each state of the world
  • preferences can be complex

Search => preliminary approach to deterministic problems

Simple planning agent

  • Deterministic, goal driven agent
  • Initially in start state
  • Given goal
  • Agent perfectly nows
    • What actions can be applied in any given state
    • The state it will end up in
    • The sequence of actions is the solution

Midterm 1

Lecture 1

  • Problem: static vs sequential
    • Static: Constraint satisfaction
      • Answering queries
    • Sequential: planning
  • Environment: deterministic vs stochastic
  • Intelligence
    • Turing test: operational definition: people can’t tell computer apart from people
    • Rationality: abstract ideal of intelligence
      • Syllogisms: logic/probabilistic reasoning
  • Agent
    • Situated in an environment
    • Make observations
    • Able to act
    • Goals or preferences
    • May have prior knowledge, and way of updating beliefs

Lecture 3

  • Different representational dimensions of problems
    • Need to represent
      • environment/world
      • How the world works
        • Constraints
        • Casual relationships
        • Actions preconditions/effects
  • Size of state space
  • R&R: representation (language) and (reasoning) procedures
  • Deterministic (yes to both below) vs stochastic domains
    • Sensing uncertainty: fully observe current state
    • Effect uncertainty: know direct effects of its actions

Lecture 4

  • Simple agent
    • Deterministic, goal-driven agent
    • Given a goal
    • Agent knows
      • What actions will be applied in any given state
      • The state it will end up in when takes an action
  • Search space graph
  • Search procedure
    • Generic search algorithm
      • Frontier: collection of paths
      • How to get different kinds of search
        • The way in which the frontier is expanded defines the search strategy

Lecture 5

  • Complete: when a solution exists the algorithm will find it
  • Optimal: returns the best solution when there is no solution


  • DFS:
    • frontier as a stack
    • Not complete and not optimal (may get stuck in cycle)
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(bm)
    • Good when space is limited
    • Bad for shallow solutions
  • BFS:
    • Frontier as queue
    • Complete, optimal if ignoring path costs
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(b^m)
    • Bad if space a problem
  • IDS:
    • Complete, optimal if ignoring path costs
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(bm)
    • Recompute elements of frontier rather than saving them
    • Use DFS and keep increasing the depth of searching
  • LCFS:
    • Priority queue ordered by path cost
    • Complete when path costs are positive
    • Optimal when path costs positive
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(b^m)
  • BestFS:
    • Select path whose end is closest to a goal according to heuristic
    • Priority queue ordered by h -> greedy
    • Not complete
    • Not optimal
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(b^m)
  • A*:
    • f(p) = lowest(cost(p) + h(p))
    • Priority queue ordered by f(p)
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(b^m)
    • Complete if arc costs positive, optimal
      • Optimal if: branching is finite, arc costs are positive, h(n) is underestimate
      • Optimal efficiency: among all optimal algorithms that start from the same start node and use same heuristic h, A* expands the minimal number of paths
  • B&B:
    • Use DFS, but keep searching for shorter/lower cost solution if find solution
    • If f(p) >= UB, discard p without expanding
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(bm)
    • Not complete in general but optimal (not optimal efficient)
  • IDA*
    • DFS but to fixed bound
    • If dont find solution with given iteration of IDA*, update bound with lowest f-value that passed the prev bound and try again
    • Complete, not optimal
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(bm)
  • MBA*
    • Updating the heuristic for an ancestor of multiple paths ^^^
    • Time complexity: O(b^m)
    • Space complexity: O(b^m)
    • Optimal, complete

Lecture 6

Lecture 7

  • Heuristic: estimate of minimum distance/cost from each node to goal node
  • Construct admissible heuristics
    • Never an overestimate of the minimum cost from n to a goal
    • Lower bound
    • Make problem extremely easy to solve
  • Verify heuristic dominance
    • h2 > h1, h2 is better because its bigger and so closer to actual value
  • Combine admissible heuristic
    • h = max(h_1,h_2) also admissible and dominates both h_1 and h_2

Lecture 8

Lecture 9

  • Cycle checking: prune a path that ends on node already in path
    • Cannot remove optimal solution
  • Dynamic programming:
    • Build of table of dist(n) - dist(n) is actual cost of lowest cost path from node n to goal g

Lecture 10

  • Variables
    • Number of possible worlds: product of cardinality of each domain
    • Always exponential in number of variables
    • domain^variables
  • Constraints
    • Unary
    • kary
  • CSP
    • Consists of set of variables, domain for each variable, set of constraints

Lecture 11

  • Generate and test
    • Brute force, generate all possible worlds one at a time and test for violations
    • Runtime: number of world
    • Can solve any CSP
  • Search
    • Every solution at depth n, heuristic not useful
    • Search space: finite without cycles
    • DFS with pruning
    • Efficiency depends on order in which variables assigned values -> degree heuristics
  • Consistency
    • Prune domain as much as possible before searching
    • Constraint network
  • Arc consistency
    • An arc <X, r(X,Y)>: for each x in dom(X), there is a y in dom(Y) such that r(x,y) satisfied
    • Remove value in domain if not satisfied

Lecture 12

  • Arc consistency algorithm
    • Order of considering arcs does not affect final output
    • May need to prune variable domain to make arc consistent
  • Max number of constraints for binary: (n*(n-1))/2 (n variables)
  • How many times same arc inserted into todoarc list: d (number of elements)
  • How many steps to check consistency of arc: d^2
  • Constraints: O(n^2)
  • Overall time complexity: O(n2d3)

  • Domain splitting
    • When domains have more than one value
      • Apply DFS with pruning
      • Split the problem into two or disjoint cases
        • Set of solutions is union of solution sets
        • Need to keep around many constraint networks

Midterm 2

Lecture 13

  • Local search on CSP
    • Start from possible world
    • Generate some neighbors
    • Move to neighbor and repeat steps
    • No frontier
  • Constrained optimization
    • Interactive best improvement: select neighbor that optimizes some evaluation function -> minimum number of constraint violations
  • Scoring function to solve CSP by local search through greedy descent or hill climb
    • Hill climb: maximizes value based function
    • Greedy descent: minimize cost based function
    • Problems: local maxima, plateaus and shoulders

Lecture 14

  • Stochastic local search
    • Alternate between
      • Hill climbing
      • Random steps
      • Random restart
    • Random steps:
      • One step: choose (variable, value) pair
      • Two step: pick variable then value
    • Good in local settings, repair with minimum number of changes
    • No guarantee to find solution even if one exists can stagnate
      • Very hard to analyze
      • Not able to show no solution exists
  • Comparing SLS algorithms
    • SLS algorithms are randomized
    • Taken time to solve problem is random variable

Lecture 15

  • Tabu list
    • Maintain a tabu list of the k last nodes visited
  • Simulated annealing
    • Change degree of randomness over time
      • Start high then low
      • If n’ better than n move, otherwise move maybe depending on temperature
      • Higher the T, more likely to move to n’ if it is worse than n
    • If T decreases slowly enough, then simulated annealing search will find a global optimum with probability approaching 1
  • Beam search
    • Maintain popular of k individuals
    • Parallel search:
      • Running k random restarts in parallel rather than in sequence
    • Choose best k out of all the neighbors
    • Non stochastic beam search: lack of diversity
    • Stochastic: selects k individuals at random but probability of selection proportional to their value h(n)
  • Genetic algorithm
    • Start with k randomly selected individuals
    • Fitness function
    • Successors generated by combining two individuals
      • Selection
      • Crossover
      • Mutation
    • Slow

Lecture 16

  • State: full assignments
  • Goal: agent wants to be in possible world where some variables are given specific values
  • Successor function
    • Actions take agent from one state to another
  • Solution
    • Sequence of actions that take agent from current state to goal state
    • Action has
    • Precondition:
      • Set of assignments to features that mush be satisfied in order for action to be legal
    • Effects
      • Set of assignments to features that are caused by the action
    • All features not explicitly set by action stay unchanged
  • Forward planning
    • States are possible worlds
    • Arcs represent actions that are legal in state s
      • Possible actions are those preconditions are satisfied in s
    • Plan is path from the state representing the initial state to a state that satisfies the goal

Lecture 17

  • Heuristic for forward planning
    • Estimate of distance (cost) from a state to the goal
    • (number of actions)
  • Features are binary
  • goals/preconditions can only be assignments to T
  • Most sense as admissible heuristic: number of unsatisfied goals -> remove all negative effects
    • Removing preconditions (trivialize)
    • Assuming no action can achieve more than one goal (inadmissible)
  • Empty-delete list
    • Remove all effects that make variable false -> emptying the delete list
    • Solve simplified planning problem
  • Planning as CSP
    • Unroll the plan for fixed number of steps -> horizon
    • With a horizon of k
      • Construct CSP variable for each STRIPS variable at each time step from 0 to k
      • Construct boolean CSP variable for each STRIPS action at each time step from 0 to k-1
      • Construct CSP constraints corresponding to start and goal values, as well as preconditions and effects of actions
      • Initial constraints: constrain state variables at time 0
      • Goal constraints: constrain state variables at time k

  • Actions cannot simultaneously (action constraint)
    • Mutual exclusion
  • State constraint
    • Hold between variables at the same step
    • Capture physical constraints
  • CSP returns shortest solution

Lecture 18

  • Atom: symbol starting with lowercase letter
  • Body is atom or is of form b^b
  • Definite clause is atom or rule of the form h <- b
  • Knowledge base: set of definite clauses

Lecture 19

  • Interpretation assigns a truth value to each atom
    • A possible world
  • b1 ^ b2 is only true of b1 is true in I and b2 is true in I
  • Rule h <- b is false in I only if b is true in I and h is false in I
  • Knowledge base KB is true in I if and only if every clause in KB is true in I
  • Model of a set of clauses (a KB) is an interpretation in which all the clauses are true
  • If KB is a set of clauses and G is a conjunction of atoms, G is a logical consequence of KB, written KB |= G, if G is true in every model of KB
    • If KB true then G true
    • G logically follows from KB
    • KB entails G
    • No interpretation in which KB is true and G is false
  • To prove KB |= G
    • Collect of models of KB
    • Verify that G is true in all those models
    • O(2^n) time
  • Soundness: if KB |- G implies KB |= G (G can be derived from my proof)
  • Completeness: if KB |= G implies KB |- G
  • Bottom up proof
    • If h <- b1 ^ b2 ^ b3 is a clause in the knowledge base, and each bi has been derived, then h can be derived

Lecture 20

  • Given domain with n propositions, you have 2^n interpretations

Lecture 21

  • Sound: never wrong
  • Complete: doesn’t miss anything
  • Top down proof example

  • BU looks at query G at the end

Lecture 22

  • Heuristic for clause selection
    • Number of unique atoms in KB clause body

  • Variable: symbol starting with an uppercase letter
  • Constant: symbol starting with a lower-case letter or a sequence of digits
  • Term: either a variable of a constant
  • Predicate symbol: symbol starting with a lower-case letter
  • Atom: symbol of form p or p(t1…tn)
  • Definite clause: h <- b1bm
  • Knowledge base: set of definite clauses

Lecture 23

  • Domain of random variable X is set of values X can take
    • Values are mutually exclusive and exhaustive
  • Possible worlds are mutually exclusive and exhaustive
  • Joint probability distribution
    • Can compute probability distribution of any variable
    • Can compute probability distribution for any combination of variables
    • Can update these probabilities

Lecture 24

  • Probabilistic conditioning
    • update/revise beliefs based on new information
    • Build probabilistic model using background information -> prior information
    • Posterior probability of h: P(h|e) -> probability of h given e
  • Computing conditional probability
    • When some worlds are ruled out, others become more likely
      • Must normalize new world’s probability
      • Old probability / probability evidence
    • P(h^e)/P(e) = P(h|e)
  • Conditional probability table: each row sums to 1
    • Is a set of distributions
  • Product rule
    • P(x1,x2) = P(x2)(Px1|x2) = P(x1)P(x2|x1)
      • Communitive
    • P(x1, x2, …, xn) = P(x1…xt, xt+1,…xn) = P(x1…xt) P(xt+1…xn | x1…xt)
  • Chain rule

  • Using conditional probability for inference
    • Often have casual knowledge -> P(symptom | disease)
    • Want evidential reasoning -> P(disease | symptom)
  • In general P(hypothesis | evidence)
  • bayes rule

Lecture 25

  • Marginal independence
    • A variable x is marginally independent of random variable Y if P(x|y) = p(x)
    • P(X|Y) = P(X)
    • P(Y|X) = P(Y)
    • P(X,Y) = P(X)P(Y)
  • Conditional independence
    • Each event caused by the same event, but neither event has a direct effect on the other
    • Two variables might not be marginally independent, but can become independent when we observe some third variable
    • P(X|Y,Z) = P(Y|Z)
    • Knowledge of Y’s value does not affect your belief in the value of X, given a value of Z
      • If we don’t know Z, Y and X effect each other, otherwise they don’t/q
    • P(X, Y,Z) = P(X|Z)
    • P(Y, X,Z) = P(Y|Z)
    • P(X,Y|Z) = P(X|Z)P(Y|Z)
  • Joint probability distribution: O(d^n) values
    • But they have to sum to 1
    • Need to store all but 1
  • Conditional probability table O(d^n) values
    • But each row has to sum to 1 (set of distributions)
    • Need to store all - (num rows)
    • Ignore a column
  • Conditional independence use
    • Write out full JD using chain rule
    • Reduce JD from exponential in n to linear in n (n is # of variables)
    • Most basic and robust form of knowledge about uncertain environments
  • Big picture
    • JPD specified probability of every world
      • Reduce the size with independence (rare) and conditional independence (frequent)

Lecture 27

  • Belief networks
    • Order reflects causal knowledge (causes before effects)
    • Apply chain rule
    • Simplify according to marginal and conditional independence
    • Express remaining dependencies as a network
    • Each variable a node
    • For each variable, conditioning variables are its parents
    • Associate with each node the corresponding conditional probabilities
    • Result is DAG
  • Bnet inference types
    • Diagnostic: know the result
    • Predictive: know cause
    • Inter-causal: one possible cause and effect
    • Mixed:
  • Bnet compactness
    • O(n2^k) for n variables and each variable has no more than k parents